Reality Shifting...

Reality shifting is a phenomenon that exploded in popularity in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. This document isn’t about that, though. Instead, this document is about what reality shifting is and, hopefully, my personal experiences with the phenomenon.

Introduction to Reality Shifting

Reality shifting is an activity that is said to transfer the consciousness of someone who engages in it to a different reality. Admittedly, even this idea is somewhat controversial. While the majority of shifters (that is, people who have an interest in shifting) subscribe to the “Multiverse Theory,” which states that genuine transfer of consciousness through different realities is the cause for the experience of reality shifting, there are some that subscribe to the “Consciousness Theory,” which states that reality shifting is merely an altered state of consciousness.

Terms to Know

Over the years, the reality shifting community has come up with a lot of terms to refer to various aspects of the process. Over the significantly smaller period of time I have been learning about this phenomenon, I have come up with a few more. I have decided to list (hopefully) every term I may use throughout this document and how I personally define them for disambiguation purposes.

Basic Terms

  • Clone: A section of consciousness that operates the CRB of a shifter while they are in a DR.
  • Current Reality (CR): The reality that is being shifted from. I've seen this called the original reality (OR) and even the void reality (VR).
  • Current Reality Body (CRB)¹: The body of the shifter in their CR.
  • Desired Reality (DR): The reality that is being shifted to.
  • Desired Reality Body (DRB)¹: The body of the shifter in their DR.
  • Minishift: has 2 definitions, neither of which relate to the other. Either a successful shift that ends very prematurely or a wrongwarp specifically to a reality very similar to the shifter's CR.
  • Permashifting: Shifting to a DR with no intent to return to CR.
  • Respawning: Like permashifting, but with intent to completely erase memories of CR.
  • Script: Information about the reality that the shifter wishes to shift to. Can be written digitally or by hand.
  • Waiting Room: a small, peaceful DR. Sometimes used as an intermediary stage between the CR and another DR.
  • Wrongwarp²: When a shifter does manage to shift somewhere, but not to their DR.

Related Ideas

  • Affirmation: A positive phrase, used to help with manifesting. Said out loud, thought, or written. Something like “I am a master shifter.”
  • Law of Assumption: a method to manifest, via believing that what is being manifested already exists in one's life.
  • Lucid Dream: A dream in which one is aware of the fact that they are currently dreaming. Allows direct control over the dream.
  • Manifest: To bring something about through significant mental effort.
  • Subliminal: A piece of audio that includes affirmations, played at a frequency and/or volume to where they are not audible to the conscious mind.

Techniques and Tactics

  • Conscious Shifting³: Shifting while conscious. Typically requires a clone.
  • Detectable Environmental Change (DEC)¹: a change in environment as part of a method that is able to be perceived while the method is performed.
  • Important Defined Entry Point (IDEP)¹: The location, action, and general context of a shifter's DRB upon shifting is explicitly defined in the script, and important to the narrative/experience.
  • Internal Control Mechanism (ICM)¹: A method that can be scripted into a DR that allows a shifter to modify said DR while in it. From what I understand, these have no limits, but most use them for small modifications, like physical appearance and slight script edits. The most well-known example of this is the Lifa App.
  • Method: A set of instructions used to induce a reality shift.
  • Shifting Cue¹: An indication that is scripted to occur upon shifting, which signals that the shift has occurred.
  • State Akin to Sleep (SATS): A state between wakefulness and sleep marked by drowsiness and increased ability to manifest. Might be sleep stage N1.
  • Reality Check: A procedure, such as counting the number of fingers on each hand, with a consistent, predictable outcome. If the prediction and perception don't match, then the person performing the reality check is probably dreaming.
  • Unconscious Shifting³: Shifting while unconscious or immediately before becoming unconscious. Does not require a clone unless the shifter does not return before the CRB wakes up.
  • Undefined Entry Point (UEP)¹: The location, action, and general context of a shifter's DRB upon shifting is not written in the script.
  • Undetectable Environmental Change (UEC)¹: a change in environment as part of a method that is not able to be perceived while the method is performed.
  • Unimportant Defined Entry Point (UDEP)¹: The location, action, and general context of a shifter's DRB upon shifting is defined in the script, but is ultimately not important to the narrative/experience.
  • Void State: a state characterized by a sense of no physicality. Supposedly, manifesting is easy when in it.

Schools of Thought

  • Consciousness Theory: The less popular of the two biggest schools of thought in regards to shifting. Consciousness Theory states that shifting is the result of an altered state of consciousness.
  • Multiverse Theory: the dominant school of thought in reality shifting. Multiverse Theory states that every possible universe already exists, and the process of shifting simply shifts consciousness between them.

1: I coined this term

2: I didn't coin this term, but I don't think people use it in this way.

3: I might have coined this term, but I am unsure.

The Experience


From what I understand, the experience of shifting is marked by lucidity. It is as vivid, perception-wise, as being awake normally when not shifting. It is distinct from lucid dreaming; reality checks succeed and, unless scripted otherwise, the shifter retains the level of power over reality in their CR.

In short: shifting is like being awake and conscious, but just somewhere else.



There are a great deal of methods out there. They all exist to get the shifter that employs them into a state in which they can shift. It should be noted that following one of these methods is not strictly necessary to shifting; people make their own methods and even shift without using one all the time. From what I understand, beyond simple things like relaxation and focus, a successful method is more about personally believing that the method will work for you instead of any specifics.

I will not list methods here, but I will attempt to broadly categorize them.

Affirmation Methods

Affirmation methods tend to induce shifting via affirmations. They certainly can include visualizations, but the entire method hinges on the process of affirming that you have shifted. There is usually some prerequisite in order to get the body and mind into a relaxed state.

Visualization Methods

Visualization methods tend to induce shifting via visualization. They certainly can include affirmations, but the entire method hinges on visualizing a scenario that is either a part of the DR or grants access to the DR. These can have some prerequisite in order to get the body and mind into a relaxed state, but some do not. Furthermore, there are at least two distinct types of visualization methods.

Direct Visualization

Direct visualization methods involve the shifter directly imagining that they are doing something in their DR. This can be mundane actions, like waking up, but it can also be less mundane actions like dancing or hugging someone. The purpose of direct visualization is to convince the shifter that they are truly in their DR.

Intermediate Visualization

Intermediate visualization methods tend to involve the shifter visualizing a scenario that is not part of their DR. However, this scenario allows easier access to said DR. Again, this subtype of visualization methods has two further subtypes that I can think of.

Key Visualization

Key visualization is a type of visualization that involves imagining a scenario that gives the shifter a metaphorical—or tangible—”key” to shift. It is characterized by intentional actions of the visualized self in order to bring about a shift.

Transit Visualization

Transit visualization is a type of visualization that involves imagining a scenario in which a shifter is being brought to a DR. This is commonly done via a vehicle, like a train or an elevator. Further visualization of what the scene of the DR that the shifter “exits” into may be needed.

Shifting Focus

(in progress...)


Reality shifting: psychological features of an emergent online daydreaming culture

20 Shifting Methods Wikihow article

I genuinely don't know how I would go about citing this, even if I wasn't citing things lazily already. But it's a page in a subreddit's wiki.