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Written on February 20, 2024

Purpose: further experiment with script writing, and to provide a place that is sufficiently interesting to hold my attention so that shifting is easier.

“I will be physically and mentally unchanged in comparison to the version of me writing his script.

When I arrive in my desired reality, I will hear the chime of a grandfather clock somewhere nearby the exit of my room.

With the exception of my room, which will appear exactly as it does in my current reality including any animals, my DR will consist of grand, stony interiors, as if it were some sort of SCP-3008 meets fancy, ornate castles event. My ‘goal’ is to locate a throne room and sit atop the throne.

I will return to the reality in which this script is being written upon one of the four conditions is met:

  1. I am significantly injured
  2. I die
  3. I consciously decide that I truly wish to return to the reality in which this script is being written
  4. Enough time has passed in the reality this script was written in to where I am woken up for whatever reason past the time of 4:00 AM”