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Written on June 11th, 2024. It was the first script I have written in a while.

Purpose: to make a waiting room.

I will find myself in a system of dark tunnels. Apart from myself, there will be absolutely nobody else within these tunnels. The tunnels are made out of a dark stone material and cylindrical in shape, branching off from each other to form a maze that extends intimately in every direction.

The only unique features within these tunnels are the lights and the images. Lights are embedded in the ceiling and pulse like a beating heart while emitting a red glow. Images can either be static or short, looping animations. Images sometimes appear on the walls of a tunnel, especially at a dead end. Images can depict a wide variety of subjects, but their illustration style is always the same: crude black lines over a square white background.

I will find myself in a particular room within the system, which is about the size of a small bedroom. It will be constructed out of the same material as the tunnels, and will have amenities such as a bed, doors, a light, and even functional fans. Additionally, the room will have a scent diffuser that spreads the scent of hand sanitizer; this will be my cue that I have successfully shifted.

Each position within this reality corresponds to a position in another reality. If I close my eyes with the intent to go to the corresponding place in another reality associated with my position, then I will find myself there when I open them. I have an instinctive understanding of where each position within this reality corresponds to, as well as how to navigate to any arbitrary position through the maze.

I will return to my CR if any of the following criteria is fulfilled:

  1. I am to somehow perish.
  2. I am to somehow experience significant bodily harm.
  3. I perform the ritual associated with transferring myself to the place in which my position in this world corresponds to, but with the intent to return to my CR specifically.
  4. My CRB is awoken for any reason.

For the duration of time that I spend in this reality, I will not experience any physical needs including but not limited to food, drink, or sleep.